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𝐉𝐔𝐉𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐔 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐍 ⇢ Joining an already established server may be a bit intimidating, but it really is never too late to jump in here! We're not as big of a community as the member count suggests anyway, for better or worse! Now, on to the actual ad... ⇢ The turn of the first millenium is near, and the never-ending arms race between man and curse is at its peak. Sorcery has never been more widespread, and jujutsu as a practice is thriving, with massive advancements being made at an overwhelming rate; All culminating in a great, golden age. ⇢ However, make no mistake, as this is no period of peace; It's a period of pure chaos... but... isn't that what's made it a time of innovation in the first place? A time history has, and will never see the likes of, ever again. This is the heian era, what will you do? ⇢ Currently, the list of unclaimed canon characters consists of Uraume, Yorozu, Takako Uro, and Tengen.

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204👥Total members
5📅months old
13+Age requirement