Discord server ranking algorithm on ServerHunt

Forget about manual bumping - we've got a cooler system. Your server gets a chance at the spotlight if it's actually active:

  • At least 3 different people chatting today
  • Minimum 5 messages sent today

Meet these criteria, and you're in the pool. Here's how it works:

  • 60% of eligible servers are randomly featured on the frontpage
  • The other 40% are ranked by our default sort (currently message activity)
  • We refresh the frontpage every 3 minutes, so everyone gets a fair shot

Why we're not using Disboard-style bumping

The old-school bumping system has some issues. Here's why:

  • It's redundant: If everyone's bumping every 2 hours, it basically becomes random anyway.
  • It's time-consuming: Who wants to keep hitting a bump button all day?
  • It's not fair: Servers with super-active admins who can bump 24/7 get an advantage.
  • It creates pressure: Everyone feels they have to bump or risk falling behind.
  • It doesn't scale well: Imagine if bumping was allowed every 10 minutes. It'd be chaos, and still random.

Our system rewards servers that are genuinely active. No need to spam a bump button - just keep your community engaged and you'll get noticed. It's all about real interactions, not who can click fastest.