server profile pic
Violet Cafe

18+ SFW Gaming Community for adults, gamers and hobbyists! Discuss movies, podcasts, books, and more. Share selfies, art, pets, memes, music, anything you're into! We encourage self-promotions and twitch advertising so you can boost yourself. We offer a handydandy gaming forum to find team-mates in all sorts of games, show off your gaming setups, reccommend games, discuss table top games, vent about adulting, and more. We have a hall of fame for those too good messages, birthday announcements, booster rewards, color roles, minigame bots, econommy bots. In the future we will have book club, movie nights, events, contests and of course a public Project Zomboid server for build 42! Join us and help us grow!

Today's activity
Server overview
34👥Total members
4📅months old
18+Age requirement