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The Lorin Sector is an Imperial Sector in the Eastern Fringes caught between the T’au Empire, Realm of Ultramar, the Exodite Worlds, the Jericho Reach, and the Scourge Stars. This territory represents a rugged frontier of Imperial Space, having been far gone ever since the Cracks within Imperial Authority during the Nova Terra Interregnum. Fairly isolated from the million-strong armies and mighty Battlefleets of the Imperial Heartland, it is a Sector that is ultimately blessed by its positioning, yet must always fend for itself against the threats creeping in. May it be Genestealer Cults, Xenos Races, Warp Spawn and their Mortal Followers, Redemptionists, or even Dark Ancient Forces beyond all of them. This Warhammer Roleplay is generally based around relative freedom to play what you desire. Although we somewhat focus on playing various Warlords of different factions, we generally try and offer options for character campaigns and the like. We have a relative large staff that is friendly and will attempt to help others in need. Feel free to hop in!