
Little Heartaches, a little nightmares AU After Six dropped Mono into the signal tower he became a slave to it, the thin man ensures that he can't leave the city. His only hope for escaping is a little girl called Noone, who saw something in the tower, something she wasn't supposed to see. Six is far away from Pale City, aboard the Maw. She has no memory of Mono as all the pain and suffering Monos "betrayal" caused had made part of herself separate and become Shadow Six, who keeps Six from the truth and tries to distract her. Like bringing her to the Maw so she can find her long lost brother Seven, the runaway kid. Otto continues his search for his long lost brother and sister (Mono and raincoat girl). He claims he's a specialist in dream psychology, and that he can cure nightmare disorder. Which gives him a steady supply of children What we offer! 100s of RP channels with pictures pinned Plot driven RP, this server will have on overarching story which everyone can be a part of, whether they're using ocs or cannons The Sounds of Nightmares characters are claimable and we are(as far as I know) the first ln server to include them in the lore! You can RP in and out of the Nowhere, patients and psychiatrists are allowed. Gatekeeper ocs are too!(a gatekeeper is basically like the candleman, taking kids across the threshold bla bla bla) A welcoming and kind community (even if it's small) We hope that you join, see you there!

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43👥Total members
1📅years old
13+Age requirement